Monday, March 2, 2009

New York! New York!

January 10th- January 17th, 2009- New York, NY visiting Suzanne & Jim Quillen & girls.....

Well, I wanted to post some of our pictures of our trip to New York on here. We had so much fun! It was soooo cold! I can actually say, though, that I have been in colder weather before- St.Louis, MO on my mission. We were there for a week, just me and the kids. Donny had to work and with the baby on the way, I knew that if I didn't get over to see Suzanne and the fam before the baby was born, it just wasn't going to happen for a while. I am not too sure how I feel about flying with 3 kids by myself. We'll have to see. Anyway- Suzanne has a beautiful house! Huge! Wish it was mine! and a huge yard! When you think of living in New York, I just don't picture big houses with big yards. But, they actually live about 90 minutes away from New York- which would explain it a little. There actually is a "Po dunk" in New York. I suppose it's more like "country". Whatever! Anyway- It was really cool. Some of the things we did...... went sledding- the kids loved! loved! loved! this!!!! They probably sled a little bit every day. Although, I really mean a little bit when I say it. Because it was so cold, sometimes they could only stay out for ab0ut 5-10 minutes before they were FROZEN! Even Jim, Suzanne and I went sledding once- I figured if my doctor found out I was sledding while being 8 mos. pregnant- I might get into a little trouble. Gotta live, right?? We also went into New York city one day. Took the train in with the kids. That was fun. Certainly an experience. I must say it was very cool standing in Times square with all the buildings, lights, people and traffic! Just like on TV. Completly different than Las Vegas if you ask me!

We also went to Sleepy Hollow, NY. - we drove around, saw some pretty cool things. Spooky Hollow cemetery, a Gentlemans club or something- looked like a mansion! Saw a castle, and ate at a very expensive McD's!

Saw Jim's workplace. Took him to lunch. All the rivers were covered with ICE from being so cold. The day after we were in New York City, was when US Air Airliner landed on the Hudson and everybody survived! Truly amazing! That water had to have been VERY cold with all that ice on it.
Anyway- It was a fun trip! The kids had so much fun being at Aunt Suzi's and seeing their cousins! and.... Suz and I even got in a little scrapbooking! It was a great break! Thanks Suz! (and Jim, Paige & Perry! We love you guys!)

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